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Steffen Dehn

Today is a prototype of tomorrow. With iterative approaches and by leveraging agile innovation methods, I design and facilitate engaging on-/offline workshops and coachings that help you move forward. With a systemic mindset and a passion for seeing the bigger picture, I  support people and organizations in navigating complex challenges. In times of uncertainty, I build processes that break down old thought patterns to uncover new, innovative ways to take action.

I am a convinced generalist. My approaches are based on a variety of trains of thought. From agile approaches like Design Thinking and Scrum to Systemic Coaching; from Spiral Dynamics to Participatory Stakeholder Management; from Product Development to Change Management, I enjoy looking at things from different angles. Combined with your expertise, this mix of methods, philosophies, and approaches enables holistic transformations on both an organizational and personal level.

DEC Topics

 Process Design 

 Sustainable Organisations 


 Innovation Management 


 Agile Transformation 

DEC Principles

Navigating uncertainty over pretending to know

Engaging with complexity over speedy decisions

Authenticity over saying what people expect

Building and testing hypothesis over assumption-based next steps

Education & Certificates


Systemic Consultant

ISB Wiesloch

Design Thinking Coach

Hasso-Plattner Institute Potsdam

Professional Scrum Master

Prowareness Agile Academy

Product Management MBA

The Prod MBA

Sustainability Coach

The Climate Change Coaches

Organic Leadership

Core Commit


Global Change Management, M. Sc.

University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde

International Forest Ecosystem Management, B. Sc.

University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde

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